
React Amsterdam Meetups Links

💥 Win the ticket to C3 Dev Festival or React Summit happening in Amsterdam!

To win the ticket, simply share one of these posts in the following socials:

🎧 C3 Dev Festival

X (Twitter) post here

LinkedIn post here

🌷React Summit

X (Twitter) post here

LinkedIn post here

🗣 Become a speaker >>> click here

💻 Discord >>> click here

🤩 Become a volunteer >>> click here

📱Follow us on X (Twitter) >>> click here

🎤 Conferences:

React Summit >>> https://reactsummit.com/

JSNation >>> https://jsnation.com/

C3 Fest >>> https://c3fest.com/

📙GitNation Portal >>> https://portal.gitnation.org/

🧇 Guild page >>> click here

🦆 Meetup page >>> click here