Here you can find all the details you’ll need before & during the conference. You can return to this page any time you need.
To read the full information in each section please click the toggle 🔻 and you’ll see full text.
📝 General Weekend program (see full agenda below)
✈️ Logistics
🎡 Conference activities to join (general information)
🎁 Gifts for you
🎙Talk & presentation requirements
During the conference
☎️ Connection with org team
📅 Agenda for June 13-15 (in-person)
📺 Agenda for June 19 (remote only)
❗️ Some important notes
- Access Link to follow the agenda remotely on both days:
JSNation - to be added later
React Summit - to be added later
C3 Fest -
– with this link you'll have access to all talks and all activities during the conference if you want to watch the live stream on June 14 & 18.